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Privacy Policy


This privacy policy identifies the type of information The Best of the West Productions, LLC, its affiliates, and subsidiaries collects from its customers and how The Best of the West Productions, LLC. uses this information. Your use of this web site may also be governed by other terms and conditions contained on separate user agreements. If you have any questions about this policy, or the manner in which The Best of the West Productions, LLC. uses personal information, we encourage you to contact us.


Use of Customer Information

The Best of the West Productions, LLC. respects the privacy of its customers and takes steps to prevent unauthorized disclosure of customer information to third parties. Customer information includes any and all information received by The Best of the West Productions, LLC. from its customers, whether such information is received by e-mail, online forms, telephone, facsimile, mail, or otherwise. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. stores this information to enable it to fulfill orders or to improve the level of service to its Customers. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. also shares certain personal and/or financial information with its merchant account and banking vendors to process orders and payments and with common carriers to ship products to you. Unless required by law or by court order, The Best of the West Productions, LLC. will not disclose, share, or sell any customer information to any other third party without your prior authorization. Unless otherwise stated, this privacy policy does not apply to information posted by users to publicly accessible portions of our web sites, including but not limited to, online forums, bulletin boards, dealer listings, or online auction services.ifications without prior notice.


IP Address Logging

The Best of the West Productions, LLC.’ web servers collect domain names and/or IP addresses of users to measure what pages and features are accessed by our visitors. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. uses software such as google analitics to collect and analyze this information. This information helps us administer the site, improve content, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. links IP addresses to personally identifiable information submitted to The Best of the West Productions, LLC. This information is used to verify whether a visitor has opted in to receiving additional information from The Best of the West Productions, LLC.



The Best of the West Productions, LLC. may use cookies or similar files or scripts throughout its web site to enhance your convenience in using our web sites, to improve search functionality, or to hold information that you would otherwise need to re-key. Cookies are text files collected by a user’s web browser. If you do not wish to accept cookies from our web site, you may configure your web browser so that it does not accept cookies; however, you may lose certain functions available on our web site.



The The Best of the West Productions, LLC. web site may contain links to other web sites not affiliated with The Best of the West Productions, LLC., including web sites of The Best of the West Productions, LLC’s vendors and service providers. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other sites. By including links to other websites, we neither endorse such sites nor guarantee that the information they contain is accurate. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site to read the privacy statements of every linked website as the privacy policies of each may differ from ours. This privacy statement applies solely to web sites owned or operated by The Best of the West Productions, LLC.



The Best of the West Productions, LLC. is under no obligation to monitor the conduct of its web site users, but it may investigate and respond if violations are reported. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. reserves the right to delete, remove, or exclude any listing or information, in its sole discretion, that does not meet its intent and guidelines for the services offered on the web site.


Changes to Privacy Policy

In the future, The Best of the West Productions, LLC. may offer new and different programs that necessitate a change in this Policy. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the privacy policy will be posted on this page and will be effective immediately upon posting.



We are committed to preventing others from unauthorized access to the personal information you provide to us, and we maintain commercially reasonable procedures and technology designed for this purpose. This web site has reasonable technical and organizational security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of information under our control. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat those security measures. Although we cannot guarantee that our systems are 100% secure 100% of the time, we periodically update and test our technology in order to improve the protection of customer information.We suggest that you install anti-virus software on your computer and routinely check for viruses, keyloggers, spyware, and other programs that may become installed on your computer without your permission. If you believe that you have received a virus from The Best of the West Productions, LLC., please contact us as soon as possible so that we may take remedial measures to remove the virus.The Best of the West Productions, LLC. does not send e-mails to customers requesting billing, login, or password information. If you receive an e-mail purporting to be from The Best of the West Productions, LLC. that asks you to provide personal or account information, or login and passwords, do not provide such information unless you have first verified that the web site or e-mail is from The Best of the West Productions, LLC. Such e-mails may be fraudulent and used in connection with scams known as phishing. The Best of the West Productions, LLC. asks that you report any suspicious e-mails or web sites to The Best of the West Productions, LLC.

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